Meet the Pastor
Pastor: Tim Eyschen
Tim moved to Hervey Bay after completing most of his primary and high schooling on the Gold Coast. Starting a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, he began attending Fraser Coast

Baptist Church after being invited by a member whom Tim was boarding with at the time.
On the eve of his 21st birthday, Tim recalls dropping to his knees beside his bed that night after months and months of conviction as he recommitted himself to the Lord and responded to God’s call on his life. From that moment on, Tim had been convinced that the Lord wanted him in full-time ministry. Little did Tim know that that calling was going to take some time to fulfill.
After completing a bachelor’s degree in Education as well, Tim went on to become a teacher as he knew IT was not his passion. He later became youth pastor at Fraser Coast Baptist Church and then went on to attain his theology degree at Malyon Theological College. In the winter of 2018, Tim took on a role of being a weekly preacher at the same time of fulfilling a full-time job as a Year 5 teacher at Riverside Christian College. January of 2020 saw an answer to his prayers when the church was in a position to call Tim Eyschen as their part-time pastor. Tim is now serving as a full-time pastor.
Tim has a passion to help people (from all backgrounds and at all stages of life) understand their identity in Christ, grow in their faith in Jesus and to see God transform hearts. He loves to teach deep theological truths in a way that is easy to understand and apply in one’s life. Married to Cari since 2011, they have two beautiful young boys, Griffith and Freddie.
Pastor Tim looks forward to see what God has in store at Fraser Coast Baptist Church as they navigate through this season of church revitalisation.